1. Double-click the HRTSetup.exe file attached to your email. Alternatively, it can be downloaded at http://harmonicresolution.com/Advanced.htm. Download or copy this file to your hard drive and then double-click to install it.
2. Follow the instructions and allow it to place items in the suggested folders.
3. If you receive a an error message that says, “You are about to download a file, which is older than one you already have” please select NO TO ALL.
4. The software should finish its installation and give a Completed message.
5. Close all windows and return to the Desktop.
6. Find the HRT session folder you received by email after submitting your voice. It will have your name and date of your session. Point at the folder, right-click and choose Copy.
7. Go to Start, and choose Computer or My Computer. Click on the C:\ Drive.
8. Locate and double-click the Harmonic Resolution Folder (open the folder),
9. Locate and double-click the Matrices Folder (open the folder).
10. Point to the white area next to the Spectral Test folder, right-click, and then choose Paste.
11. In that same window on the top left, go back one page and double-click the !Source folder.
12. Point at the Harmonic Resolution.exe file, right-click, and then choose Create Shortcut (Make Shortcut).
13. Point at the shortcut, left-click, and drag it onto your desktop. Otherwise cut and paste the shortcut onto the desktop if required.
Playback Instructions
Double-click the shortcut icon to open the program.
The Harmonic Resolution splash screen can be removed by clicking on it. The Control Page will then open.
On the bottom of the control page there is a pop-up window. Open it with the arrow and then click on your filename and date. The session will load.
Choose a Matrix by clicking on one of the 12 images. It will enlarge the image into the black area above the popup bar. Choose an image that looks the most interesting at that moment, or discuss the proper sequence with your HRT practitioner.
Leave the Resize and Dynamic Phase buttons checked.
Adjust the Orientation slide-bar to the right until you get the desired contrast.
Notice two other slide-bars below the orientation bar that say Partials underneath each bar. These are the controls for the harmonic frequencies that were extracted from your voice. The top bar is the imaginary-sinewave-potential overtones that are sent to the left ear. The bottom bar is the real-cosine-actual overtones that are sent to the right ear. Listening to these tones with headphones requires your brain to resolve the difference between these two aspects of yourself. This process is called binaural phasing and results in whole-brain synchrony. Do not use the speakers in your computer.
Click on Compute Aural Rendering. Notice that next to Partials below each bar it indicates how many frequencies will play at that setting. It will usually say 1 or 2 with the bars all the way to the left. This indicates that at this setting only 1 or 2 partials (frequencies) will play.
Click on Generate Aural Rendering. If the sound on your computer is turned up you should be able to hear sound in the headphones. If you do not hear sound, either the computer’s sound is not high enough or the main frequency in your voice is too low in pitch to hear.
To change the sound you must first click on Silence Aural Rendering. Then you can grab and slide the sound bars to the right. You can move each separately, or hold down the shift key and it will move both to the same location.
Click on Compute Aural Rendering. Notice that now the Partials indicators under each bar indicate that more than one frequency will play. Clicking on Generate Aural Rendering will allow you to hear the sample. To change the sound again you must first Silence, then Reset the bars, then Compute and Generate again to play the new sound.
So, the idea is to first choose a Matrix (image), and then choose and generate a sound (aural rendering). When you have enlarged an image and generated a sound, left-click on the enlarged image and it will go full screen without the control page options.
If the image in not centered in your screen, change the display resolution of your computer to 800 x 600. Go to Start, Control Panel, Display, Settings and move the slide bar to 800 x 600. You can put a shortcut on your desktop to Display so that it is easy to change the resolution back and forth.
Choose a different image and sound each session.
The buttons below the slide bars that say ÷1, ÷2, ÷3 and ÷4 divide the frequencies by octaves and fifths in cases where frequencies are too high to be tactilely felt. You will not use these unless you have a tactile platform.
The Portacle is a view of your spectral essence as it was when you made the statement and before it has been harmonized and optimized. Clicking it twice will make it colorize it. Clicking on it will enlarge it and clicking it again will make it go full screen. Some people claim to get something out of watching these images. However the Matrices are more important.
Clicking on the Full Spectrum Harmonic Reinforcement button will disable the sound slide bars. If you click on Generate Aural Rendering the computer will generate the full vibrational spectrum of sounds minus yours. In other words, it is everything you are not. This appears to be especially useful in tinnitus and other hearing issues.
Make notes about images (matrices) and sounds (aural renderings) that have interesting or powerful effects.
Troubleshooting - If the buttons don’t seem to work properly, make sure that the button below the slide bars says Jump to Secondary Channel. If it says Tertiary or Primary click on it until it returns to Secondary. These buttons are used to send different signals to headphones, lights and vibrotactile tables when available. For other problems and questions, please call (310) 828-7714.
Getting the Most from Your Session
For the most powerful sessions, take some Transformant before you start.
Look for images in the Matrices that have significance. Animals seen can be looked up online or in certain card sets to see what their esoteric meaning might be. Listen for words or phrases in the Aural Rendering that sound like your own voice and have significance.
Pay attention to your internal and external environments for changes, epiphanies, coincidences, and other signs of growth or change. Notice how things that used to push your buttons are becoming re-prioritized into a lower category.
Call your facilitator within a week or so for consultation or support as needed.
Go to http://harmonicresolution.com/HRmac.sit.
The software will automatically download and unstuff on your desktop. If it does not unstuff, you will need to go online, do a search for and download the latest version of Stuff It. It is possible to download a free trial sample.
Load the CD you obtained after your HRT Session into your CD player. Open the disc and choose the folder with your name and date on it. Drag this folder onto your desktop or some other suitable place for you to find it later.
Open up the Harmonic ResolutionÔ software program. It will ask for a session folder. Direct it to the location where you stored your session folder downloaded from the CD.
Select Choose Folder/File. The session should load into the player.
The Data Pages do not load in the Mac version. It is possible to view the Matrices and listen to the Aural Renderings but the only Data Page available is the Spectral Essence Page. To see the Data Pages, it is necessary to use a PC.
After you Select Session Folder by directing the program to your session folder (the file with your name and date of your session), the program will load. Clicking on any of the 12 Spectral Matrices will enlarge it into the left part of the screen. Click on the SAT button to enhance the contrast of the image. Clicking on the space bar will enlarge the image to full screen and remove the contents of the control page. To return to the control page click on the space bar again. There is no hard rule on picking the matrix to look at. Simply scan through them and pick one that catches your interest. Alternatively, you can douse or use another personal method of choosing the matrix.
The other buttons, Zoom and Phase should be left as is.
Set the Partials Bars at a position that feels right for the Aural Rendering. There are also no hard rules for this. The only general rule is that the farther to the left they are, the more emptying out, grounding and relaxing the experience. The further to the right they are, the more stimulating, work yourself through some of your challenges it will become. So, choose a matrix and aural rendering that match your mood at the moment.
The buttons labeled -4 through 1 up to +4 will raise or lower the frequencies in whole step harmonics. This is used in advanced sessions only.
The Magnitude (Already Harmonic B/W Portacle) and Chroma (In Play Harmonics Color Portacle) show the energy field from the top of the torus before the signature is harmonized and optimized in the Matrices. Some people enjoy looking at this view as they were when they made the statement of who they are as an optimized person.
You cannot hurt the program by playing around with the buttons. The worst that can happen is that you will be kicked back out into your desktop. Just restart.
For more information on using the program, refer to the HRT Manual, available at http://harmonicresolution.com/HRT%20Manual%20Contents%20Web.htm. This is the Contents Page. The actual manual can be found at: http://harmonicresolution.com/HRT%20Therapy%20Sessions%20Web.htm.
If you have any problems, please call (310) 828-7714. If no one answers, please leave you name and number and a good time to call back and someone will return your call as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest in the work we are doing at InnerSense, Inc.
Getting the Most from Your Session
Take 3-15 drops of Transformant.™ (See Transformant Instructions for proper dose).
Choose a Matrix
- Scan through the 12 Matrix Icons on the Control Page. Choose one that feels right or seems interesting in the moment. Click on it and it will enlarge into the black area on the left.
- Choose to accept the Matrix as it is, or to “saturate” its colors by clicking on the SAT button on the lower left of the Control Page. The Matrix unsaturated is a more realistic picture of your self, but it is interesting and sometimes inspiring to witness it fully saturated. We encourage you to try it both ways to see what has more effect on your experience.
Choose an Aural Rendering
- Start by setting the Partials slide bars to a specific Dividend. There are no specific rules for this but the general rule is that the further to the left they are set the more releasing, grounding, and emptying out effect it has. The further to the right the more stimulating and work your self through some of your issues effect it has. Therefore, on days when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed, keep the slide bars at any location left of center. On days that you feel up to working through all the many things going on at once (your entire self) set the slide bars at some location right of center.
- The Frequency Bar starts out in the center at the reading of 1, which provides the harmonic frequencies of your voice, as they were when you spoke them. Moving the bar to the left divides the chosen frequency (partial setting chosen above), which lowers the frequency in whole step ratios to a maximum of two octaves. Sliding the bar to the right multiplies the original frequencies in whole step ratios up to a maximum of two octaves. These settings are used in advanced sessions. Do not concern yourself with them at first.
- Click on Compute Aural Rendering. The Partial slide bars indicate the number of frequencies playing in each ear. The top bar is the left ear (imaginary potential) and the lower bar is the right ear (real actual).
- The button changes to Generate Aural Rendering – Click on Generate.
- The sound should then be available on the computers speakers. However, it is better to use a pair of quality headphones.
- It is okay to play the sounds into the room instead of using the headphones. However, it is good to use the headphones at least once each day.
- The Magnitude Portacle (B/W) and the Chroma Portacle (Color) show your energy field as it was before the program “optimized” them in the Matrices. Some people enjoy looking at these images. We encourage you to try them.
Finally, click the Space Bar on your keyboard to remove the data of the Control Page and make the Matrix go full screen.
Watch the Matrix and listen to the sound for 20 minutes. Some choose to do it in the morning to start their day, while others choose to do it right before bed because it enhances sleep and dreaming. If you get bored or it becomes uninteresting, click the Space Bar again to return to the Control Page so that you can choose a different image or sound. Then click the Space Bar again to return to the full screen mode.
Look for images in the Matrices that have significance. Animals seen can be looked up online or in certain card sets to see what their esoteric meaning might be. Listen for words or phrases in the Aural Rendering that sound like your own voice and have significance.
Pay attention to your internal and external environments for changes, epiphanies, coincidences, and other signs of growth or change. Notice how things that used to push your buttons are becoming re-prioritized into a lower category.
Please call (310) 828-7714 if you have questions or need assistance.