State and Rule Space of Manifestation

All matter, energy, events and other manifestations of our perceivable reality are formed of dynamic, systolic loops - conventionally referred to as "superstrings" - which vibrate within a hyperdimensional manifold. The less measurable physical properties, such as gravity waves and the weak electromagnetic force, are merely so because they expend a significant portion of their energy into the higher dimensions. Indeed, what classical science regards as quanta and subatomic particles are merely the "tracings" of these loops within a four-dimensional subset of that manifold.

While this concept continues to gain increasing acceptance in the theoretical physics community - unifying the conflicting fields of general relativity and quantum mechanics under the guise of "string" & "m-brane" theory - it still fails to identify what governs and defines the dynamics of these trans-dimensional loops. This parametric anti-space is what we've come to refer to as the "algorithmic domain", whose all-encompassing nature is marginally depicted in the diagram accompanying "The Formulation of Making" (click the diagram to enlarge it). An Algorithm is step-by-step problem-solving procedure... an established, recursive computational set of instructions for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. Informal algorithms are like verbal directions to someone's house...not exact and somewhat open to interpretation.

Formal algorithms are absolutely specific without any room for interpretation or change down to the finest detail. The formal algorithm that defines a human being is known as the Human Algorithm and consists of a tremendous number of steps as far as we know today. However, certain experts, such as Stephen Wolfram believe that scientists will eventually discover that just a few lines of algorithmic language is sufficient to describe the entire scope of material reality! Dr. Wolfram is the world's leading authority on cellular automata, a science that describes the relationship between the individual components of a larger whole. Below is an example of an algorithm that we use to define harmony:

This formal mirror-image reciprocal domain is populated with the smallest parts of material reality...individual "partials" that together make up the larger manifold self...indivisible units of reality, each of which represent the unified holographic essence of the whole...automatous agents of change that define the "state space" (manner of being) and "rule space" (manner of doing) of the manifestation in question. These partials are collectively referred to as Automata. Since automata represent the smallest most indivisible parts of things, they do not contain multiparameter components like frequency, amplitude, and phase, but are rather singularly parametric in nature.

Think of these generative loops of manifestation as flowing "vector fields" which freely permeate the membrane of the algorithmic domain, during which change is effected upon them in accordance with the rule-space of that domain - an adaptive / stochastic construct which defines or modulates the behavior of the loops according to their manner. If we want to find the seat of natural law, this is the place to it embodies the generative essence of all reality. In addition, if we want to effect change on something, this is the place to do if from, as this is the point at which the strings interact with the rules.

However, the true beauty and utility of this domain lies beyond its procreant and governing capabilities. By establishing our own algorithmic structures and endowing them with appropriate temporal & spectral "control handles", we are able to modulate the behavior of the operators within this domain to our benefit (provided, of course, that our own creations remain harmonious with the natural laws already resident therein). We need only to introduce these new components at the point of transition / transformation - what we've previously referred to as the "bridge" - in order to introduce them into the algorithmic manifold.

While we can easily determine the effectiveness of this infusion by comparing the objectives of our algorithm with the manifest results, reverse-engineering the process is not so straightforward. The technology to quantitatively "read" existing parametric automata - even those structures of our own creation that we introduce into the environment - is not currently available. Thus, we're stuck with relying upon qualitative empirical evidence of the functioning of our algorithms, and using this as a means of feedback for assessing and modifying their rule-space. This, combined with algorithmic modeling in a suitable environment, is how we conceive, create & test the feasibility of a given construct.

The first set of algorithms employed in the HRT process identifies and collects all of the partials present within a voicing that are whole number ratios of the Great Diesis. The Great Diesis is a universal time governor for periodic functions. It has been regarded in music for centuries as a magic number that can complete an octave of harmonic interval progressions. This is useful as the last note of natural scales always falls just short of double. Because of this the GD also functions as a fundamental frequency for all periodic functions that have resonance with the Universal One. This "harmonic signature" lies well below the level of all the interference and noise that is occurring within the same individual. Once the person's harmonic signature is found it is subjected to next set of algorithms.

The five layer process shown in step two (2) of the HRT Session Graphic is performed with a set of algorithms that perform the following steps:

1. Separation of Real and Imaginary

2. Harmonization via Harmonic Law

3. Normalization (Balancing the R:I Ratio)

4. Recombination via Complex Integration

5. Unification of the Partials into One Whole

Regarding Harmonic Resolution Therapy (our unique Spectral Transform Breath Analysis and Natural Resonance Biofeedback System) a 22 Step Algorithm of Harmonic Resolution is used to resolve" an individual via multi-sensory biofeedback of their own natural but harmonically transformed resonance. Presented at the point of phase transition (when a sincere choice is made to change during the feedback experience) the HRT algorithm has an opportunity to find resonance receptance.

The transformative automata we infuse into i-drops TM are stored within its transformation, which, in turn, become a functional component of its time record. This is the parametric manifestation of automatous partials. Any potential modification of the physical properties or atomic structure of the transformed water would merely be a reflection of this form giving and governing influence. When we consume and integrate the water as a carrier into our own architecture, we likewise infuse its transformative record and template into ourselves.

The algorithmic domain therefore is a place where mathematical language defines the generative essence of manifestation and provides a collective term for former classifications such as the "automatic program", "cellular memory", and "genetic code". It is populated with "automatous partials", individual components of change, which, when modified, produce an effective change on the outward manifestation of the whole being. In the case of HRT, we find the harmonic partials already possessed by an individual and use them to enhance their natural resonance by multi-sensory absorption. On the other hand, with regard to i-drops, we produce a complete harmonized collection of these partials and infuse them into purified water, which is then ingested and integrated directly into the system.