The Secret Connection between Beauty and Stress



            At our Beauty Salon, we take great pride in the art of our highly skilled therapists to help our clients not only look better on the outside, but feel better on the inside.  This is the essence of the fine art of master health professionals.  In addition, however, there is a deeper meaning and value to true beauty that lies beyond the mirage on the surface.  This is the image of yourself that lies within the subconscious mind…the land of the greatest nation on earth…the Imagi-Nation.




Within this realm of all possibilities lies the key to real beauty…the perfected inner image of your own self. Such a perfected image of one's self is not an easy attainment.  Of all of the many things that block this desired self-image, however, the one that does the most damage is STRESS.


The inner domain of the unconscious mind is of vital importance, not only to beauty, but also to health, happiness, and the ability to manage stress.  Everyone has heard the old adages about getting their beauty rest and that true beauty comes from within. These old sayings conceal the greater truth that what we think and how we feel on the inside is more important than what we do on the outside…an idea that medical research is now beginning to support more and more.


Many people use alcohol or take pills to alleviate stress.  However, these don't seem to help all that much, fail to provide lasting relief, and eventually wind up making the problem even worse.  Exercise is better but still does not get to the real causes of stress.  In fact, for some, the extra work and time commitment can create even more tension.  Stress is like a double edged sword…it robs you of your good energy, the kind you use to work and play, and replaces it with a false energy called anxiety, which is not only useless, but actually wears you down with worry. 


Keeping your protective shields up all the time requires more energy than you can take in.  This is the origin of stress.  You simply must learn how to relax and let go, and find meaning and purpose in your life.  Feelings of love, peace, inspiration, creativity, emotional release, and a connection to all of life can transform you and help you become a more beautiful person on the inside and out.





            In order for you to look, feel, and perform your best, your mind and body must be working in harmony and functioning in peak condition.  However, stress interferes with normal mind/body synchronization.  In fact, nothing can do more physical and psychological damage than stress.  It scrambles messages in your brain and creates confusion, which leads to hyper-tension, headache, fatigue, insomnia, and digestive disorders.  It can also aggravate pain and skin disorders, and draw vital energy away from the immune system.  Research has also shown that it is also the single most important contributing factor to artery deterioration and heart attack.  In short…stress can shorten your life!




            Unmanaged stress shows all over your face and body language.  How many times have you heard someone say…"you look stressed out"?  It adds new lines to your face and deepens the ones already there.  Restricted circulation causes your skin to loose its tone, color, and healthy glow.  In addition, muscle tension can create imbalances in your posture, which makes you look old and tired, and can lead to more serious conditions. You begin to look older…faster.




            There is currently a worldwide stress epidemic.  This is especially true of western societies, but is also true of eastern ones, which have traditionally had a more relaxed lifestyle. The epidemic has now spread to include most of the third world.  It has become obvious that it is not likely to go away.  In fact, indications are that it will continue to increase.  The only thing we can do about stress is to get a new perspective on it…to learn what it really is…and to apply that knowledge toward dealing with it more effectively.  For example, contrary to popular belief…




            Research has revealed two radically different types of Stress.  The more common "Fight or Flight" type of stress is now called Distress because it elicits the nervous system to move away from a balanced condition (homeostasis), and causes it to speed up into a sympathetic state of threat.  Pulse rate increases, blood pressure rises, and muscles tighten as the body gets ready to fight or run.  In addition, the brain produces certain fear chemicals that shut down circulation to the skin, turn off the immune system, and provide pain relief as the body prepares itself to take on damage. 


The lesser-known type of stress is called Eustress, which also causes a sympathetic response, but in this case, the perspective is different.  In this case, the stress is perceived as challenge rather than threat.  A good example is two people preparing to jump from an airplane.  The first person is an expert, while the other has never jumped before.  Careful analysis of both individuals during their jump well illustrates the difference between distress and eustress. 


Both show the signs of the well-known sympathetic nervous system response.  However, the professional can be shown to be experiencing challenge and bliss, while the novice is experiencing threat and fear.  This shows up in marked differences in certain biofeedback parameters that indicate whether the person's metabolism is moving toward or away from a balanced condition (homeostasis).  In other words, there is a difference between Distress (threat/fear) and Eustress (challenge-inspiration). In time the novice skydiver learns to change the initial impression and turn the threat into challenge and finally into bliss.  This ability to turn threat into challenge is the best life-coping skill you could ever develop.  It is the single most powerful tool you could own for controlling your life.  In short…not all stress is bad!  Becoming challenged and inspired is the fastest and easiest way of reducing stress and helping yourself look younger and more beautiful.  Being inspired by your favorite music while you are relaxing is one way to learn this important skill.




Now that we have a new perspective on stress, let's talk about rest and relaxation.  When you lie down to rest you again have to choose between threat and challenge in a more subtle way.  As you begin to relax you must decide whether or not you are too tired and exhausted to simply rest and meditate.  You may have to go to sleep to get away from the stress you are under.  This is a subtle case of threat…and you try to run away.  This is what happens when you go to sleep.  The brain begins to file away all the stress signals to clear up limited circuits.  When enough circuits are clear…you wake up.


However, when you make a conscious decision to stay awake during rest, a different mind state occurs.  You pass into a meditative state where you are alert but relaxed.  Vivid memories begin to stir and a sense of peace and well-being flood your body with goose bumps.  Creativity flourishes as problems seem to disappear, solutions arise, and time and space become one.  Your connection to the circle of life becomes clear, and it is obvious that there is no need to worry. 


            This nervous system condition is called the parasympathetic response.  Pulse rate decreases, blood pressure falls, and muscles loosen as the body prepares itself to relax.  Circu-lation to the skin is increased and the immune system kicks into high gear as the body begins to repair itself and store energy during the deep delta stages of sleep.  As you begin to wake up, however, you pass through a phase where information is filed and the subconscious mind becomes active.  This is known as the theta dream-state. 


Dreams can be powerful experiences for emotional release, self-observation, and realizations of where your life is heading.  When we don't dream, we continue to build up the stress until we become ill or begin to have nightmares.  One of the most meaningful things you can do to enhance your beauty is to encourage dreaming.  The ability to let go and really get rested and recharged is an art that must be practiced and nourished. This is the true essence of rest. 




Research is beginning to reveal that the main cause of disease is distress.  Furthermore, the cause of this distress is being shown to be a medical condition known as Anhedonism…the inability to experience pleasure.  Now, of course, it is obvious that the world is currently plagued with an overindulgence in pleasurable pursuits, but this is exactly the point…for the most part, people don't know how to fully experience pleasure in simple healthy terms, so they go searching for more radical sordid forms.           


There are all types of healthy pleasures:  experiencing music, taking a walk in nature, soaking in a hot-tub, making love, enjoying family and friends, massage, sports, arts, learning, and discovery.  Many people would include meditation and even spirituality.  The truth is… whatever it is that you worship…that is the thing that gives you the most pleasure.  Worship is the highest form of pleasure.  Unfortunately, much of the world has fallen into the trappings of unhealthy types of pleasure.  Pleasure has had to go underground.  Sensory has become confused with sensuous, and it is no longer politically correct to discuss pleasure. 


The time has come to change all that.  Healthy pleasure is not only good for you, but also vital to your well-being.  Without it you will never look and feel your best, and in addition, potentially set yourself up for a whole host of serious illnesses.  So take your choice…a life full of healthy constructive pleasure…or a life full of boredom, loneliness, pain, and fear.  A trip to your favorite place to relax and have fun is in order!


With all the time demands that modern life heaps on us, such stress free places can seem to be very far away.  Sometimes the time and effort required just to plan, prepare, take a vaca-tion, and catch up when you return, just adds more stress.  What if there was an affordable way to get to one of those places in just a few minutes, without the hassle involved in planning a trip?  What if there was a way to engage yourself in an activity that was both relaxing and rejuvenating at the same time?  What if there was a technology available that could make all of this possible?




Imagine lying back on a comfortable recliner into a position that feels like you are float-ing on air.  Beautiful music pulses through your body and surrounds your entire being.  An incredible light show of colors, geometric forms, and dream-like visions dance inside your head, even though your eyes are closed.  The uplifting aroma reminds you of something wonderful, but you can't quite remember what it is.  Childhood memories flood your brain.  Your skin feels tingly as your breath rate synchronizes to the music.  When it is all over, you are not conscious of your body.  It takes a few minutes for you to fully return.  Suddenly, you realize that you are incredibly relaxed, and yet, extremely alert!  What just happened?


You have experienced VibraSound, a new technology proven to lower stress and improve the life experience of anyone who uses it.  VibraSound creates a state of mind called Sensory Resonance where each of your senses is receiving the same information, in this case, music chosen for its special therapeutic effects.  Sensory Resonance has been shown to improve the status of the nervous system by returning it to a state of balance.  In addition, it has reportedly reduced muscle tension, removed stress lines, improved skin circulation, and recharged the body.  In addition to enhancing your beauty, these effects can also help you become healthier, happier, and full of energy.  It is the only method that incorporates both Relaxation and Recreation into the same experience.  In addition, VibraSound incorporates almost every one of the factors that lead to healthy pleasure…relaxation, music appreciation, meditation, art, massage, emotional release, and inspiration, and even lucid dreaming. 




                Maintaining your inner beauty requires the same type of skill and repeated effort that outer beauty requires.  Our health technicians are also music relaxation specialists who can assist you in designing programs suited to your particular needs.  Four to five initial sessions can help make this new perspective on stress become a reality in your day-to-day life.  Continued use can keep you looking and feeling more youthful, fresh, alert, energized, and truly…BEAUTIFUL.  InnerSense, Inc., cordially invite you to experience this amazing new technology now at………

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