Big Difference between Sound and Vibroacoustic Therapy
InnerSense, Inc. has been engaged in the research, developing and marketing of Vibroacoustic Tables and Therapy ables since the early 80’s. Until recently, it was not well-known in the medical establishment that sound has tremendous effects over health and well being, not to mention that it is now being used in many medically oriented therapies to effect lasting and positive change on many human ailments.
However, the world of established medicine is finally taking notice and utilizing various sound technology in a wide variety of medical and paramedical applications. Until four or five years ago there was only a handful of companies around the world with this type of technology. All of a sudden there are scores of new companies emerging with an entire plethora of technologies utilizing sound to treat various human health conditions.
As humans, we have a number of sensory mechanisms that allow us to experience phenomenon in many different bands of this vibrational spectrum. We can see, hear, feel, smell and sense these various vibrations with the multitude of sensory mechanisms that we were born with. All in all, there have been upwards of 40 different sensory mechanisms discovered in the human body.
It appears that the one most commonly known and used for different types of therapy is sound. The important thing to remember, however, is that sound is only a very specific narrow range of the entire universal vibrational spectrum. Sound only represents a small slice of the entire vibrational pie as shown in the image below. Human beings have the ability to to sense other bands of the spectrum as well.
Vibroacoustic Tables and Therapy versus VibroTactile Tables
Just below the spectrum of sound lies the tactile range of feeling as opposed to hearing. The sense of touch or feeling enters consciousness through an entirely different mechanism than sound. Whereas sound enters the brain via the auditory nerves the sense of touch or vibration get in through various sensors located throughout the body called corpuscles.
The Pacinian corpuscles receive and transmit high frequency data whereas the Meissner corpuscles receive and send low frequency vibrations to the brain. In other words, the vibrotactile sense utilizes a different mechanism than the acoustic mechanism that receives and sends sound to the brain.
Another major difference is noise, distortion and volume. Sound tables utilizing speakers or surface mount transducers are very loud, noisy and sometimes distorted because a lot of volume is required to create an appreciable amount of vibration. Vibrotactile tables limit vibrations to only those frequencies that can be physically felt, and are therefore much quieter and do not require a sound proof room.
Vibroacoustic, Vibrotactile Tables and Sensory Resonance
VibraSound®️ is a proprietary technology based upon the Theory of Sensory Resonance, which states that the key to health and happiness is the ability to Experience life as much as Analyze it.
Too much analysis leaves one short of experience. Experience actualizes in human consciousness as either pleasure or pain. Sensory Resonance brings about a state of pleasurable experience. This Healthy Pleasure has applications (see table below) in just about every field of medicine, psychiatry, stress management, recreation, and entertainment.
VibraSound®️ is the choice among professionals for the perfect device to transfer any type of vibrational information such as music, sounds, frequencies, light, color, tactile vibration or communication therapy.
Sensory Resonance is a state of mind that occurs when one is extremely inspired, challenged or relaxed in a pleasurable experience. It cannot be achieved under conditions of boredom, threat or pain. VibraSound®️ was designed to help users relax and become inspired at the same time by synchronizing their senses of sight, sound, and vibration with a unique form of music therapy that allows them to simultaneously see, hear, and feel the harmonic vibrations.
Being relaxed and stimulated at the same time can lead to states of Sensory Resonance that can bolster one’s health by helping to balance the Autonomic Nervous System, the body’s number one control mechanism. For more information about sensory resonance, please read the article of that name on this website.
Complete VibraSound®️ Vibrotactile Tables and Chairs have four main components:
1. A Transduced pad that sends music and frequencies as vibration to the body.
2. A Visual Display that sends music and frequencies as light pulsations to the eyes.
3. Immersion Headphones that send music and frequencies as sound to the ears.
4. A Sensory Interface that synchronizes the lights, sounds and vibrations with music. This is the control module for the system.
VibraSound®️ Vibrotactile Tables and Therapy
VibraSound®️ synchronizes the sensory. mechanisms via sensory resonance and encourages deep relaxation, profound inspiration and emotional balance. Various forms of therapy are available around the world with professional facilitators. Music can be from any source, custom mixed during the session or pre-recorded with different themes. Sessions can be performed privately or live with a therapist. Systems will accept external inputs like audio mixers, cds, turntables, musical instruments and microphones for voiceovers, instructions, guided imagery, hypnotherapy or psychotherapy.
There are currently four different models of VibraSound®️. Each model has its own advantages and applications. Please review the Product Catalog on the corporate website to see details, specifications and prices at
• VibraSound® WaveTable – HydroSonic Liquid Crystal Fluid Mattress. InnerSense’s state of the art flagship Sound Table.
• VibraSound® TransporTable – Portable Massage Sound Table
• VibraSound® ZeroG Chair – Reclining Sound Chair
• VibroTactile DolphinTM – Soft Dolphin Puppet with Transducer.
Healthy versus Unhealthy Pleasure
Healthy Pleasures are forms of pleasure that lead to increased health, as opposed to pleasures that lead to illness and destruction. Healthy Pleasure improves access to states of Sensory Resonance. Unhealthy habits lead to Pleasure Freeze (our medical director Dr. Michael Galitzer’s site), the root cause of many terminal illnesses. Below are some examples of the similarities and differences between Healthy and Unhealthy Pleasure:
Of course, never ending healthy pleasure could lead to disconnection from reality, but never enjoying healthy ones can result in disease and depression. A healthy balance would lead to a lifestyle that leans toward the healthier forms of pleasure, while sneaking in an unhealthy one now and then as the need or desire arises.
VibraSound® incorporates many of the factors of Healthy Pleasure. In addition, it provides:
Applications of VibraSound®️ Therapy
Applications for VibraSound® therapy cover a wide band of the vibrational spectrum:
◦ Motion (Vestibular Therapy)
◦ Movement (Dance & Gesture Therapy)
◦ Vibrotactile (Force Transducers)
◦ Sound and Music (HyperSpatial Speakers)
◦ Ultrasound (Zirconium Time Domain Transducer)
◦ Olfaction (Aromatherapy)
◦ Infrared (Water Heater)
◦ Light and Color (Sensorium LSV & Music Vision)
◦ Magnetic (Pulsed Magnetic Field follows input)
Because of this wide range of therapeutic output, VibraSound® is being used by various professionals in different fields such as:
◦ Medical and Paramedical for relaxation, depression, and circulation
◦ Psychotherapists, Hypnotherapists, and Psychiatrists for fast, non- traumatic access to the subconscious
◦ Dentists for dental phobia and TMJ
◦ Acupuncturists and Polarity Therapists for stimulation and motion
◦ Chiropractors, Physical & Massage Therapists for improvement of adjustments .
◦ Music Therapists and Musicians for ultimate playback
◦ Businesses for corporate stress management, productivity, and insurance ◦ Attorney’s for ease of arbitration between protagonists
◦ Home owners for relaxation, recreation, and inspiration
◦ Behavioral Therapists for substance abuse rehabilitation
One of the most interesting applications of VibraSound® is in the field of beauty enhancement. There is a connection between Beauty and Stress. Cutting edge beauty salons all over the world take great pride in the art of highly skilled therapists to help clients not only look better on the outside.
This is the essence of the fine art of master health professionals. In addition, however, there is a deeper meaning and value to true beauty that lies beyond the mirage on the surface. This is the image of your-self that lies within the subconscious mind…the land of the greatest nation on earth…the Imagi Nation.
Beauty is More than just Skin Deep
Within this realm of all possibilities lies the key to real beauty…the perfected inner image of your own self. Such a perfected image of one’s self is not an easy attainment. Of all of the many things that block this desired self-image, however, the one that does the most damage is STRESS. The inner domain of the unconscious mind is of vital importance, not only to beauty, but also to health, happiness, and the ability to manage stress. Everyone has heard the old adages about getting their beauty rest and that true beauty comes from within.
Stress is like a double edged sword…it robs you of your good energy, the kind you use to work and play, and replaces it with a false energy called anxiety, which is not only useless, but actually wears you down with worry. Keeping your protective shields up all the time requires more energy than you can take in. This is the origin of stress. You simply must learn how to relax and let go, and find meaning and purpose in your life. Feelings of love, peace, inspiration, creativity, emotional release, and a connection to all of life can transform you and help you become a more beautiful person, inside and out.
Stress Shortens Life
In order for you to look, feel, and perform your best, your mind and body must be working in harmony and functioning in peak condition. However, stress interferes with normal mind/body synchronization. In fact, nothing can do more physical and psychological damage than stress.
It scrambles messages in your brain and creates confusion, which leads to hypertension, headache, fatigue, insomnia, and digestive disorders. It can also aggravate pain and skin disorders, and draw vital energy away from the immune system. Studies have also shown that it is also the single most important contributing factor to artery deterioration and heart attack. In short…stress can shorten your life!
You Look Older Faster
Unmanaged stress shows all over your face and body language. How many times have you heard someone say…”you look stressed out”? It adds new lines to your face and deepens the ones already there. Restricted circulation causes your skin to loose its tone, color, and healthy glow. In addition, muscle tension can create imbalances in your posture, which makes you look old and tired, and can lead to more serious conditions. You begin to look older… faster!
Not All Stress is Bad
There are two radically different types of Stress. The more common “Fight or Flight” type of stress is now called Distress because it elicits the nervous system to move away from a balanced condition (homeostasis), and causes it to speed up into a sympathetic state of threat. Pulse rate increases, blood pressure rises, and muscles tighten, as the body gets ready to fight or run. In addition, the brain produces certain fear chemicals that shut down circulation to the skin, turn off the immune system, and provide pain relief as the body prepares itself to take on damage.
The lesser known type of stress is called Eustress, which also causes a sympathetic response, but in this case, the perspective is different. In this case, the stress is perceived as challenge or opportunity, rather than threat. A good example is two people preparing to jump from an airplane. The first person is an expert, while the other has never jumped before. Careful analysis of both individuals during their jump well illustrates the difference between distress and eustress.
In short…not all stress is bad! Becoming challenged and inspired is the fastest and easiest way of reducing stress and helping yourself look younger and more beautiful. Being inspired by your favorite music while you are relaxing is one way to learn this important skill.
The True Essence of Rest
Now that we have a new perspective on stress, let’s talk about rest and relaxation. When you lie down to rest you again have to choose between threat and challenge in a more subtle way. As you begin to relax you must decide whether or not you are too tired and exhausted to simply rest and meditate. You may have to go to sleep to get away from the stress you are under. This is a subtle case of threat…and you try to run away. This is what happens when you go to sleep.
The brain begins to file away all the stress signals to clear up limited circuits. When enough circuits are clear…you wake up. However, when you make a conscious decision to stay awake during rest, a different mind state occurs. You pass into a meditative state where you are alert but relaxed. Vivid memories begin to stir and a sense of peace and well-being, flood your body with goose bumps. Creativity flourishes as problems seem to disappear, solutions arise, and time and space become one.
Your connection to the circle of life becomes clear, and it is obvious that there is no need to worry. This nervous system condition is called the parasympathetic response. When we don’t dream, we continue to build up the stress until we become ill or begin to have nightmares. One of the most meaningful things you can do to enhance your beauty is to encourage dreaming. The ability to let go and really get rested and recharged is an art that must be practiced and nourished. This is the true essence of rest.
Healthy Pleasure
These days hardly anyone would argue against the idea that one of the main causes of disease is distress, even conservative medical professionals. Furthermore, the cause of this distress is being shown to be a medical condition known as Anhedonism…the inability to experience pleasure. Now, of course, it is obvious that the world is currently plagued with an over- indulgence in pleasurable pursuits, but this is exactly the point…for the most part, people don’t know how to fully experience pleasure in simple healthy terms, so they go searching for more radical sordid forms.
Unfortunately, much of the world has fallen into the trappings of unhealthy types of pleasure. Pleasure has had to go underground. Sensory has become confused with sensuous, and it is no longer politically correct to discuss pleasure.The time has come to change all that. Healthy pleasure is not only good for you, but also vital to your well being.
Without it you will never look and feel your best, and in addition, potentially set yourself up for a whole host of serious illnesses. So take your choice…a life full of healthy constructive pleasure…or a life full of boredom, loneliness, pain, and fear. A trip to your favorite place to relax and have fun is in order! What if there was a technology available that could make all of this possible?
Technology for the new Millennium
Imagine lying back on a comfortable recliner into a position that feels like you are floating on air. Beautiful music pulses through your body and surrounds your entire being. An incredible light show of colors, geometric forms, and dream-like visions dance inside your head, even though your eyes are closed.
The uplifting aroma reminds you of something wonderful, but you can’t quite remember what it is. Childhood memories flood your brain. Your skin feels tingly as your breath rate synchronizes to the music. When it is all over, you are not conscious of your body. It takes a few minutes for you to fully return. Suddenly, you realize that you are incredibly relaxed, and yet, extremely alert! What just happened?
You have experienced VibraSound®️, a new technology proven to lower stress and improve the life experience of anyone who uses it. VibraSound®️ creates a state of mind called Sensory Resonance.VibraSound®️ incorporates almost every one of the factors that lead to healthy pleasure…relaxation, music appreciation, meditation, art, massage, emotional release, and inspiration, and even lucid dreaming.
For more information about VibraSound®, or to schedule your own peak experience music therapy session, please call our Reality Management Center for directions, appointments, and services. For other national and international locations, please visit the Locations page. The cost is $99-299 per hour and includes a personal digital copy of the session that can be taken home for repeated use. Custom designed music programs are available for an additional $125 and include all of the Music used in the program…an excellent way of adding new music to your library that has been chosen by experts for its special effects.
In addition, all of our pre-recorded VibraSound®️ Music Session CDs are available for sale. In addition, you might like to schedule a PortacleTM or FundamentalizerTM session which uses a sophisticated computer program to harmonically analyze your voice, and then integrate your mind, body and spirit with your own natural resonance.