Aspire psiometric Analysis

Spectral Essence Evaluation of Breath...The Ultimate Human Biometric

Human biometric measurements (brainwaves, heartbeats, skin conductivity, voice signatures, etc.) reveal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual status. Spectral analysis of the breath and voice (aspiration) is the biometric of choice for evaluating the current essence of a human being. Breath is the fundamental cycle that drives metabolism, and voice is an extension of the breath. Breath reveals the way in which we take-in life and express ourselves back out into the environment, and voice is the mechanism we use to communicate who we are and what we want.

Whereas brainwaves reveal mostly what a person is thinking, and heartbeats mostly what a person is feeling...the breath and voice patterns weave both together in real time. In addition, since most biofeedback is performed with sound, aspiration analysis provides the ultimate feedback source of vibrations that do not have to be arbitrarily converted from electrical signals like brainwaves and heartbeats.

There are various systems marketed for the purpose of performing voice analysis. Whereas most of these exist for improving vocal performance, a growing number of researchers are beginning to show that the voice can also be used to improve health, success, and satisfaction with life. Both manual and computerized methods have been developed for such purposes. Most of these rely on standard computer platforms that do a fair job of measuring and massaging of data to provide limited spectral signatures of the voice.

In addition, many include the ability to see the octave or music notation distribution. Whereas these may be good and valuable diagnostic tools for simple frequency analysis, they do not have the power needed to include magnitude, phase, and complex frequency separation of the real and imaginary components of each partial, nor to simultaneously translate the audio time domain data over into the spectral frequency domain for visual display.

In addition, they do not provide a sophisticated output or feedback mechanism so that the data can be effectively used. The results of such analysis must usually be analyzed and input into other feedback devices. Since the accuracy of such analysis is typically limited to (+/- 1 Hz.), it is difficult to obtain enough accuracy to achieve exact music scale notation, which requires at least (+/- .01 Hz.) of accuracy and precision. Also, such limited accuracy cannot resolve whole number ratios of the Great Diesis.

HRT ™ is based on a new computer concept called "distributed clustering" where multiple computers are linked together. Access to this Supercomputer allows accuracy, precision, complexity at speeds unavailable by any other practical means. All data enters and exits the network through our 100% secure portal. Our station is the only one with the complete voicing as all others receive only individual components. Therefore, all information can be maintained in optimal confidentiality.

Supercomputing power allows HRT ™ to separate the real and imaginary phases of a person's voice and resolve the difference via Whole-Brain Synchrony. The real components of the partials are routed to the left-brain, whereas the imaginary components are routed to the right brain. This assists the brain in resolving the difference between the two domains through binaural phasing, which results in actualization of potential. The real and imaginary domains (body and spirit) are reassembled (by mind) in the complex domain of whole brain synchrony.

One of the most critical factors in performing accurate voice analysis is the recording itself. Minimum requirements are a reference quality microphone sampling at least 32,000 times per second in 16 bit mono format. Most voice analysis programs record at 8-16k Hz., which does not provide enough resolution or frequency range to be of therapeutic use. In addition, if the recording is loud enough to "clip" the recorder, false information is obtained in the analysis.

Furthermore, it is hard to compare various voicings because of the difference in recording levels. HRT ™ solves these problems by using state of the art recording technology, supercomputer analysis, and by "normalizing" the recording to the individual's voice within the spectral domain. In other words, the highest amplitude partial is established as 100% and all others are placed relative to it. This allows for the determination of normalized magnitude…the total amount of energy currently available.

You can submit your voice/breath for evaluation with the Aspire program by clicking on the link below. You can experience your own natural resonance biofeedback and harmonic resolution based on your spectral essence either at an on-site VibraSound location or at home on your own home computer via the Internet.

Submit Voicing for Aspire Psiometric Analysis