View the P.E.A.K. Alembic

Transformant ™

Allasso Concentrate

Allasso (al-las'-so) - From the Greek - αλλασσω - To Transform

All human experience stems from the difference between who a person says they are and who they really are, a ratio of their actual and potential selves. This polarity creates a tension that functions as a black hole that draws in objects, events, people and situations to reconcile and resolve the differential.

All material things have partly actualized, but still have components that lie hidden in the mystery of potential. Evolution, over time, preserves order out of chaos via actualization of potential. Resolving the difference between actual and potential is the equivalent of transformation to the next highest level of order.


Using cutting edge supercomputer technology, it is possible to measure the ratio between the actual and potential parts of something and, with biofeedback, require it to resolve the difference between these two aspects of itself. At the most primary level of reality, matter is composed of vibration. Therefore anything can be represented by the vibrations that make up its structure. To change something you must disassemble, rearrange and reassemble its vibrational structure. The only certainty in life is change. Everything is required to change and grow, or else stagnate and die. This is the process of progressive evolution.

Regarding a human being, this can be accomplished with acoustic biofeedback by sending the actual component into one ear and the potential in the other, thus forcing the brain to resolve the difference between these two signals as binaural phases (as opposed to binaural beats of two different frequencies).

This process can also be applied to water. Water holds the order within matter. This can be shown by removing the water and observing the object falling into disorganized dust. Water exists in its most natural actual state as a liquid. This liquid, however, has potential, a discovery that changed the world when the steam engine brought about the industrial age. The next highest level of order for impure liquid water is pure vapor. In order for this change to take place water must normally be stressed into such a transformation by applying energy from an outside source. An example would be a distiller where heat is used to force water to boil and vaporize. The positive and negative poles are connected to a single coil or plate which "shorts" the electricity and creates heat. The water begins to boil and expands outward. The resultant steam represents what remains of the water whose state has been changed by force alone. This causes a dissonant restructuring of the water molecules, and results in dead water.

However, rather than forcing the water to change by applying an outside source of energy, it is possible to require the water to become the agent of it's own transformation by resolving the difference between it's actual and potential components. In this case, there is no positive or negative, but rather two positive poles of actual and potential, separated by the water. The water must become the conductor of the energy and resolve the tension existing between the two polarities.

This tension requires the water to acknowledge the need for change, eventually give up all resistance, and remove all of the impurities blocking it from existing in a higher state of order. The water cavitates, implodes inward and transforms itself into a 100% pure vapor, resulting in a harmonic disassembly, rearrangement, and reassembly of it's molecules. This experience is more powerful than memorized information, not easily forgotten and remains with the water indefinitely. This process creates a resurrected living water that has followed a set of specific instructions demanding perfection. As such, it stands as a material Standard of Reference for purity, defined in dictionaries as the essence of holiness.

Changing the structure of the water in your body is the equivalent of changing yourself. Consuming this transformed water can supply the water of your body, mind and spirit with the resources for transformation to the next highest order. We call this unique substance Transformant™ because of its ability to transform anything that it comes into close proximity to. It is filled with allasso energy which assists the user in:

1. Recognizing the need for change.

2. Giving up resistance to the change.

3. Actively pursuing the change.

4. Gathering the tools required for the journey (people, funds, map, vehicle, fuel etc).

5. Overcoming the challenges caused by the change.

6. Perserverence to keep up the effort until the transformation manifests.

7. Stepping out on faith to the next highest level of order.


Specifications - Lab results

How its made

Effects and Results of Taking








TransFormant™ is made from water that has been transformed into a higher state of order by cavitation, vaporization and reassembly of its atomic structure. While the relationship between molecules in ordinary water is extremely chaotic & random, the microstructure of TransFormant ™ is highly ordered and evenly distributed. This resultant molecular rearrangement is believed to increase capacitance (ability to hold energy), lower surface tension (ability to pass thru membranes), and allow the dynamics of its transformation (phase transition) to be stored in geometric form... (specific H2O bond angles). In addition, it contains millions of harmonic partials from the universal rhythm, which can be used for reinforcement of membrane integrity.

The human organism cannot withstand sudden and dramatic change, such as occurs when water phase transitions into steam during distillation. For human beings, transformation from one "state" into another requires time. Recovering from the loss of a loved one, career change, or any other major life shift can take months or even years. Even simple things like mood shifts are stuck with this time domain requirement. However, since everthing that we absorb gets integrated directly into our system, consuming a substance which has undergone such transformation provides a pattern or template for such growth to occur within ourselves.

TransFormant™ is related to the mystical number known as the square root of minus one. Scientists use the lower case version of the letter (i) to represent this magical number as it refers to the word "imaginary" which is the technical term chosen to define its character. In other words, (Square Root of -1 = i). 

We have chosen this simple yet complex symbol to represent this amazing substance because it illustrates how this special water carries with it not only a heritage of the Universal Rhythm of Square Root of -1, but also automatous partials of imaginary possibility incredible RESOURCES which can be used to transform and reassemble oneself into higher levels of order… parametric agents of change, which form the essence of the multi-dimensional superstrings that make up all matter.

Whereas our patented production process can totally purify and transform any substance in liquid or gaseous state, we have chosen water as the current carrier of this unique form of energy.  A thorough study of the all too common and mundane subject of plain old water reveals that it is not so common or mundane, but rather a fascinating subject that not enough is known about. In fact, even though most of us think of water as the molecular H20 we were taught about in school, that definition of water actually applies only to 100% pure vapor and not at all to the runny liquid fluid that our minds normally conjure up when we think about the stuff. The true nature of water, even in today's modern scientific world, is not fully understood.

There are currently many forms of so-called "structured water" offered for sale to the public as water substitutes, additives, and concentrates. Whereas we consider many of these as superior to the tap water available in most parts of the world now, and believe that they can, in different ways, improve the actual physical, they do not have the power to seriously address the complex mental and potential spiritual formative antecedants that lie on the other side of life in the spectral domain, nor effect lasting change on them.

Some of these structuring techniques operate by moving the water through geometric forms or vortexes which may increase permeability and hydration. Others attempt to impart information or knowledge to water by exposing it to coils, magnets, lasers, crystals, vortexes, or other exogenous sources, which does seem to somewhat educate the water. However, it is difficult to lock this restructuring information in.

Water is the most resonant solvent in the known universe. It will take on the energy or intention of anything that it gets in close proximity to. However, when it is moved closer to something else, it will immediately become sympathetic or resonant with its new neighbor.

There is a difference between knowledge and experience. Knowledge learned in the classroom has mostly been forgotten, but we all remember lessons that have come from experiences involving extreme challenge or crisis that permenantly and eternally changes our lives. The old adage is that "it either kills you or makes you stronger". This is just another way of saying that such challenge results in harmony (assembly to a higher level) or chaos (disassembly).

We have each been gifted a personality, a unique arrangement of physical, mental/emotional and spiritual energies. We are offered the opportunity to gather, access, arrange and order up these energies by integrating them into one whole. When we choose to take advantage of this and act on it, the experience is usually of a very positive nature (peak experience-growth-progress-challenge). When we choose not to choose, the machine aspect of the universe disassembles us so that we once again can be offered the choice to do it ourselves. This disassembly presents itself as a crisis (loss of health, wealth, relationship) from which a lesson is learned that allows one to grow to their next highest state of order. Almost everone has declared "why me" during a serious crisis in their life, only to later say "thank God that happened". Lessons like this are never forgotten.

Water holds together the order of the body. This is shown by the fact that solid objects disorganize into dust if their water is removed. Therefore, it is the organizing element that holds the body together. Harmonic Resolution, our natural resonance biofeedback system requires a person to become the agent of their own transformation by resolving the difference between their actual and potential selves. However, in doing so, they are not changing the elements that make them up, they are changing instead the nature of the water that orders and holds them together. To change one's unique formulation of water is the equivalent of changing oneself.

In our P.E.A.K. Alembic process, water itself is required to become the agent of its own transformation by choosing to by acknowledging the need to change, releasing resistance, removing impurities that are in the way, and moving to its next highest level of order, which for water is a change of state from liquid to vapor. In other words, it is disassembled, rearranged and reassembled by overcoming crisis. The water must rise to this challenge, undergo phase transition, and reassemble itself into a victorious totally pure, completely balanced substance that carries with it the memory of this transformative experience along with all of the tools and resources it has to develop to undergo this death and resurrection. In other words, it contains the resources for transformation, garnered through experience through crisis. It does not forget, and cannot be changed unless it undergoes another more powerful experience.

The experience that the water goes through is the equivalent of a person becoming enlightened and transforming from a material object into a spiritual essence, like a sage, guru, master or tsadik.

The dictionary definition of holy is "pure and set apart from". The absolute purity of Transformant along with the experience of overcoming the stress of ultimate transformation makes it a standard of reference for perfection and holiness.

TransFormant™ has its conceptualization and development anchored in seven groundbreaking discoveries:

1. The Universal Rhythm of the Square Root of -1, the so-called Music of the Spheres, is based on the universal time-code of the Great Diesis…the cosmic fundamental frequency and its series of whole number ratio overtones. A full compliment of Great Diesis harmonics nested in the water during Algorithmic Phase Transition releases parametric automatous partials…dynamic agents of change… that can be used to bring about resolution of past issues, stability in the present, and the creation of one’s own future reality…actualization of potential via Imagination and its infinite range of possibilities.

2. Resolution of the Real and Imaginary components of this Universal Rhythm causes ordinary water to undergo Harmonic Transformation via Phase Transition and “Effervesce” into a 100% pure vapor.

3. Infusion of algorithmic information at the point of phase transition provides a harmonic template, which includes the dynamics of transformation, instructions for change, and scaffolding for the harmonic griding (membranes) of the body. TransFormant™ consists of a collection of 16 million automatous, whole number ratio partials that can be used for harmonic reinforcement.

4. Water transformed in this way is believed to:

Consist of an expanded range of molecular clustering (small and large) that are more easily absorbed but also capable of carrying more complex information.

Exhibit reduced surface tension, increased zeta potential, and transport a strong electric charge.

Store information as algorithmic geometry in its molecular structure.

Contain a complete set of nested harmonic frequencies (automatous whole number ratio harmonic partials).

Purify anything that absorbs it over time.

5. TransFormant™ is harmonically prepared in a next generation distillation alembic using Gold waveguides, whose purity was chosen to deliver an electric signal efficiently enough to accurately reproduce our Great Diesis Reference Wave, which is used to restructure the crystal lattice of the water molecules. Due to unavoidable impedance losses, both the gold elements and circuitry that drive them are consumed during its creation.

A special supercomputer constantly gathers information from the production apparatus regarding harmonic relationships and adjusts its "living environment" to maintain optimum balance. Exposing water in this way to a complete set of real and imaginary components of the Great Diesis causes it to become the agent of its own transformation. As it begins to vortex around the golden waveguides. it eventually gives up all its resistance to change, cavitates, and effervesces into the purest water known on earth. At each step of the process the distillate is harvested rather than the concentrate. The result is completely pure water whose liquid crystal structure is held in perfect harmonic proportion and nesting of harmonics, allowing it to carry more information, in fact…theoretically all information. As such, it is within itself a perfect example of harmonic transformation, set apart from all others and 100% pure…the essence of what is defined in dictionaries as…holy.

6. Having a full spectrum of partials allows TransFormant™ to provide reinforcement to the harmonic pattern already present within any living body. Life's greatest challenge is to become one's true self. Of course, transformation of issues accumulated over a lifetime are more complex and require more time to change, but replacing the tissue fluid of your body with this harmonic template can begin the process and provide the energy and support needed for completion. Drinking them is the equivalent of consuming waves of harmonized white sound or drops of liquid light.

7. The well known equation E = MC2 should really read E1 + E2 = MC2; where E1 is the commonly known caloric heat energy that we get from the food we eat, and E2 is the lesser known electrical energy we get from the water in the food we eat.  E1 caloric energy is the "reserve energy" held in storage and radiated back out as needed to run body processes. E2 electrical energy is the "working energy" we use to move, exercise, and pull from during stress or crisis.  In fact, the level of E2 determines whether a person perceives a sudden intense or demanding event as a challenge or as a threat. Unfortunately, most people do not intake enough of this electrical energy due to the fact that it has dissipated from the processed food and drink by the time they consume them. The electrical charge in TransFormant ™ is held as tension between the hydrogen and oxygen bonds rather than as spinning colloids. In addition, the geometry of this charge provides a perfect template of harmonically related algorithms and instructions for harmonic transformation.

The results experienced by taking TransFormant™ are manifold and have the potential to positively effect virtually every aspect of one's life. Some of the tested and/or reported results are:

Noticable effects usually manifest as changes in attitude and timing. Feelings of peace, trust, well being, connection to source, and that everything is okay are often reported. Perseverance and patience increase. The abilitiy to resolve discordant issues is enhanced. Seeing the "big picture" becomes easier and easier. The timing of "coincident" events become more and more obvious. Being in the right place at the right time becomes a commonplace occurrence.

Increasing allasso (mental energy) encourages the natural gathering of energes (physical energy) through proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and recreation. In addition, it assists in the gathering of ktisis (spiritual energy) via prayer, worship, and exercise of faith. If energes is not sufficiently absorbed, the result is weakness and poor physical health. When ktisis is ignored, spirit renews itself through crisis or conflict.

Allasso increases patience and the willingness to give up resistance to change. Created during phase transition from liquid to vapour, it helps resolve physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual disharmony. The transformative nature of mental energy resolves the difference between physical and spiritual energies. The root of the Greek word allasso change.

These shifts in attitude and timing have specific application in:

Music...Synchronizes musicians with their music and fills in the missing frequencies for singers. Improves timing and increases bandwidth. Puts one "in the pocket".

Athletics...Increases mental stamina, determination, and perserverance.

Relationship/Arbitration...Eases tension and improves communication skills.

Self Improvement...Facilitates change and growth. Provides the resources for transformation.

Stress reduction...Reduces tension and improves mood while increasing patience and reserve energy.

Health...Supports cell membrane integrity, which thereby increases capacitance (ability to hold electric charge), which reduces electrical resisitance in the body, allowing energy to flow more freely. The allasso energy encourages the natural gathering of the physical energy required to get things done.

Business...Improves performance, morale, and employee/customer satisfaction.

Sharpens skills and hones sales/service abilities.

Problem solving... Opens up new possibilities and ways of looking at things.

Creativity...Enhances imagination and artistic ability.

Spirituality...Enhances connection to Origin and encourages faith in Destiny.

To summarize… TransFormant™ is 100% pure drops of Liquid Potential that can help you resolve and reassemble past issues, live more fully in the present, and consciously create your own future by balancing the order and chaos in your life.  In other words, it can help you…Re-order to a Higher Levels. A 50 ml bottle, which provides approximately a three-month’s supply at maintenance levels, retails for $65. Click here to Purchase.


In addition to helping you increase physical, mental, and emotional energy, and distribute it evenly with TransFormant™ we stand by to assist you further with other special tools that can also enhance transformation. A sophisticated Breath & Voice Analysis to access one's spectral essence, and natural resonance biofeedback experience called Harmonic Resolution Therapy TM can provide a virtual reality like experience based on your own harmonic signature, that synchronizes your energy field with visual, auditory, and vibrotactile feedback via a multi-sensory liquid crystal VibraSound® platform. In addition, we produce custom Harmonic Reinforcement CDs and are ready to provide other dedicated support where needed. The only other requirement for success with harmonic transformation is your active pursuit. What would you change about your life? For more information about TransFormant™ and/or to schedule appointments for Harmonic Resolution™ or VibraSound® Music Therapy please contact:

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: No medical claims are made for TransFormant, and they should not be used in place of professional medical help and/or medication for the relief of discomfort or disease. TransFormant is made available for research and self exploration purposes only.


PURCHASE TransFormant™





InnerSense, Inc.
2118 Wilshire Blvd. #730
Santa    Monica, California 90403
(310) 828-7714 or (310) 829-9784 Fax